

Passion Projects and Experiments


While building digital products, I also moonlight as an Animator and Illustrator. I love experimenting with tools and technologies to create visual stories. I've animated short films for brands, and been a freelance illustrator for children's books and built VR apps using the Unity game engine.


Augmented Reality with Unity

‘Neemo’ is a regular width, high-contrast, slab-serif typeface for display use on desktop and web pages

‘Neemo’ is a regular width, high-contrast, slab-serif typeface for display use on desktop and web pages

A walk in Central Park | Digital

A walk in Central Park | Digital



New York City | Illustrator + After Effects

New York City | Illustrator + After Effects

Illustrated on Procreate for iPad

Skiing, digital illustration

Skiing, digital illustration

Provence | Digital

Provence | Digital
