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Empire State Trail

Empire State Trail

Role: Lead Designer and Illustrator | Client: New York State Parks Department | Tool: Arc GIS Map, Sketch, Invision Abstract

NY State site and an interactive map to plan a hiking and biking trip

The Empire State Trail is an initiative to create a 770 mile hiking and biking trail in New York State. The NY State Parks department wanted to build a communicative, responsive website that would enable New Yorkers and tourists to access all the information.


Project Goal

  1. To have an online presence for the Empire State Trail

  2. An interactive site with a trail map and detailed information to plan trips along the trail

  3. Responsive mapping experience

My Role

Lead and solo designer on the project


  1. Reflect Geographical Trail structure in the site Navigation

  2. Two-way interactions between the site elements and the map

  3. Limited control on the Arc GIS Map Experience

  4. Integration of trail attraction information from I Love NY into the map and the site


Select screens from the finished UI

Final Screens from the Site

Final Screens from the Site

Interactive Arc-GIS Map

The interactive map is a key component of the site, helping the user navigate navigate the site to get to the relevant trail detail page

The interactive map is a key component of the site, helping the user navigate navigate the site to get to the relevant trail detail page

ARC Gis Map created by the development team

ARC Gis Map created by the development team

A major feature of the website was to have a interactive map of the entire trail that a user could see on a desktop website and on mobile. Arc-GIS

Quick and intuitive navigation into deeper site pages

Location specific information

• Customizable to match NY State Branding


Trail Detail Page

The 770 mile Empire State Trail is sub-divided into smaller 5-10 mile trails that users can accomplish within a day. On the site, each sub-trail has its own trail detail page containing all the information a user would need to plan a trip to it. The image below shows the key information hierarchy that would be relevant to the user.




Physical Resources

Brochures for Cycling the Erie Canal and Cycling the Hudson Valley that included extensive information about attractions, biking routes, amenities and helpful information about planning a trip.

Digital Resources

  • AllTrails Website & Mobile App and other competing sites dedicated to hiking and biking

  • ARC GIS Story maps and Data collection document shared during the kick-off

  • NYState Parks & Trails Websites

  • Hudson River Greenway Site for the Trip Planning Experience


Who are the users? What do they need to know?

User Stories & Journey Map

Creating a user story helped to understand the context, motivations and outcome

Physically Challenged

Information Architecture


Visual Design

Since this website would be part of the New York State Government websites, we followed the State’s Branding Guidelines for Digital Products.

Secondary Colors

Primary Colors for Site

NYS Branding Color Guidelines

NYS Branding Color Guidelines



The communication typefaces used for the this site are Proxima Nova and DSari

NYS Branding Typography Guidelines



To create a cohesive yet distinct visual style for the 3 major trail legs, I created illustrations that would work as separators and go above the footer on each page.
